Standard Subscription Service – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Modified on Fri, 14 Mar at 1:14 PM

This page includes a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Nimonik’s Standard Subscription Service.

If anything is unclear, please contact and Nimonik’s Customer Success Team will assist you.

About Account Set-up and Log in

Has my account been created already or do I need to create my own account?

  • Your Organization’s Nimonik account has been created by Nimonik’s Customer Success Team. You do not need to create your own account.


Will Nimonik add all my subscribed Standards to my account or do I need to do that?

  • Once your account has been created, Nimonik’s Customer Success Team will add all your subscribed Standards to your account.


Where do I log in to my Nimonik Account?

  • Log in to your Nimonik account using this link & bookmark this page for future use (
  • For Organizations with SSO (Single Sign-on) enabled, users will not log in using a business email and password. Instead, users with proper credentials should be able to access the account via an internal company portal. For more information, please discuss with your account administrator.


About Standards and Workflow

How do I access, view, and download a Standard?

  • You can access, view, and download Standards in a few short clicks. Read this support page for more details. 


Why can’t I view or download a Standard? Why do I see a “Request Standard” button? Why does it say “Contact Nimonik to unlock the document text”?

  • The most likely reason you are seeing these options is that you have searched for and opened up a Standard with an  icon from the “Compliance Library“. Standards with  icons can only be read via the CO RegisterIn other words, if you attempt to access a Standard with an  icon from the “Compliance Library”, the “View PDF” option will not be available.
  • If you open a Standard with anicon, this means this Standard has not been purchased by your organization and is not currently included in your subscription.
  • If you need access to a locked Standard that has anicon, contact your account administrator.


If I click the “Request Standard” or “Contact Nimonik to unlock the document text” button, does it automatically buy this Standard?

  • No, clicking either of these options does not automatically purchase this Standard. 
  • Clicking these options allows you to send an email to Nimonik, where you can request these Standards be added to your subscription


How do I search for Standards I subscribe to in my Account?

  • From the CO Register page, you can use the search bar to find any Standard you have subscribed to for that site.
  • As of December 2024, this feature is limited to just searching the title of the Standard. It does not search the full text of the Standard, but we intend to add this feature moving forward. 
  • If your searches don’t yield any results, try searching for the number of the Standard. For example, to find “ISO 9001”, just search “9001”
  • You can also perform a wider search of all Standards available for subscription in Nimonik by using the “Nimonik Library” located under the “Compliance Library” Menu. This allows you to browse for other standards to which you might be interested in subscribing. See this support page for more information.
  • You can easily identify which Standards have been purchased for your account by the lock icons next to the document’s title. The definitions are the following:

 = This document has been purchased for your entire organization.

 = This document has been purchased for certain facilities at your organization.

 = This document has not been purchased by your organization.


What is the Compliance Library used for regarding Standards? Can I use it to search for other Standards I may want to purchase?

  • The Compliance Library is a great way to search for other Standards you may want to purchase and subscribe to. Think of it as Nimonik’s catalogue of Standards available for Subscription. Remember, that you to read the full Standard, you will most likely need to access that Standard via a CO Register.


How do I receive updates when Standards are revised?

  • All notifications about updated and new versions of Standards will be visible and available directly on the Nimonik platform.
  • Whenever a Standard you subscribe to is updated, you will be informed within Nimonik’s software via External Actions and outside the software via a weekly email sent every Monday. The email subject is “This Week’s Actions”. You have the option to receive or not this weekly email on the “My Profile” page
  • New Versions of Standards will be automatically added to your account. When released, they’ll be unlocked in the same CO Register as the previous version, and you’ll be notified via External Actions.
  • You can view and read the list of External Actions here or by clicking the Actions menu, then “External Actions”. Make sure to filter for “All Users and Teams” to see all the outstanding External Actions.
  • From the CO Register page, you can also see which documents have been recently updated and have outstanding External Actions. These documents will have a red number in the “Assessment History” column like this
  • You can click on the red number to read this External Action.

Do new versions of Standards get automatically added to my account?

  • Yes, new versions of Standards that you subscribe to will be automatically added to your account and to your CO registers. New versions of Standards will appear as separate items in your CO Register. You will also be informed about these new versions via External Actions.


How do I add more Standards to my Account?

  • As of March 2025, there is no way to automatically subscribe to more Standards in your Nimonik account. To request Standards be added to your subscription or questions about your Standards, you can contact your Account Administrator or
  • Your Account Administrator or will coordinate with Nimonik’s Customer Development team to provide a quote and ultimately proceed with adding new Standards to your account


Is their Redline comparison available?

  • Yes, to access Redline comparisons of a Standard, click the “View PDF” button, then under the “Compare To” section, select which version you would like to create a redline comparison for. 
  • You can also subscribe to redline comparisons for certain Standards from certain publishers.

Is there a usage report I can download?

  • As of March 2025, there is no usage report available in Nimonik. However, we intend to develop this tool in the near future. When this is available, it will be included in your subscription.


Are Standards available at the Clause Level like Regulations are?

  • As of March 2025, Standards are not available at the Clause Level. We hope to coordinate with SDOs to be able to offer this feature in the future. 


The Standard that I want to subscribe to is not currently available in Nimonik; can you add it for me? 

  • If you contact and include the name of the Standard and the name of the Standard Development Organization, we can investigate the possibility of adding that Standard to your account.


Will you offer more Standards for Subscription in the future?


Can I purchase a physical copy or a PDF one time download of a Standard? 

  • Yes, you can purchase Print or PDF copies at
  • This store will be linked to the subscription platform to allow administrator to track single purchases. This is expected to launch in 2025.

About Account Management

Who is my Account Administrator and where do I find their contact information?

  • If you have access to your Nimonik account, you can see your Account Administrators listed on this page
  • You can click on the Account Administrator’s name to view the email or click again to send them an email.
  • Please note that every account has an administrator called “Nimonik Admin”. This account is just there for maintenance purposes, and should not be a primary source of contact.
  • If you do not have access to your Nimonik account, please contact


When trying to sign up, it says “Account invitation token has expired, please request a new one” What does this mean and how do I request a new invitation token?

  • For security reasons, the invitation expires after 72 hours. If you try to activate your account after this period of time, it will tell you our invitation has expired and you won’t be able to activate your account until you receive a fresh invite.
  • You can reach out to your Account Administrator or to request a new invitation token


How do I resend an invitation?


How can I add or delete users?

  • If you are a user with Account Administrator permissions, you can add, delete, or suspend users from your Nimonik account. See this support page for more information
  • If a list of names & emails is provided, Nimonik’s Customer Success team can invite all of these users to join the account via an email invitation. Reach out to for more information.


When a new user is added, what permission level will they have? Will they instantly have access to all Standards in the account?

  • New users are added as “Restricted Users”. Restricted Users can only see what they have been given access to. When a Restricted User joins an account, they by default have not been given access to any account elements.
  • Account Administrators need to share these account elements with the new restricted user in order for them to access the Standards in the account. This can be done by using the “Share Account Element” feature on the Manager Users tab


What is a Facility?

  • A Facility in Nimonik’s terminology for Site
  • Facilities in NimonikApp can be thought of as folders, which contain and organize all of your audits, compliance obligations, facility equipment and other account items for a specific location, business area or other organizational structure you have. See this support page for more information.


What is CO Register?

  • A CO Register is Nimonik’s terminology for a list of documents. For Standard Subscribers, this is where the list of Standards will be available.
  • Compliance obligations (CO) Registers are lists of documents that you wish to assess for applicability and compliance at your operations. This can include both External documents (regulations, Standards) and internal documents (Policies, procedures, permits, stakeholder engagements). The CO Register allows organizations to create lists of documents that they wish to follow, these are alternatively called legal registers or law lists. See this support page for more information.


How do I share a Facility and a CO Register with a new user? 

  • Click hereto learn how to share account elements with General and Restricted Users or follow these short steps:
    • Select the users(s)
      • Please note, that you can only select individual users, not teams
    • Add the account elements you would like to share with the user(s).
      • Please note, that you can select Facilities, CO Registers, Company Audit Templates, and Audits.
    • Click the “Save”

Do I need to share both a Facility and CO Register with a user in order for them to have access to Standards?

Yes, Restricted Users need to be given access to both the correct Facilities (sites) and CO Registers before they can access Standards. If a user just is given access to the Facility, they will not automatically be given access to the CO Register within that Facility.


How is my account structured?

  • Your account is set up with one CO Register (list of Standards) per one Facility (Site). 
  • If your account has multiple sites, there will be one Facility to represent each site, as well as one CO Register per Facility.
  • If your account has multiple Facilities (sites), certain Standards may only be available for specific CO Registers within specific Facilities.

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